brand nu flow!
okay, i'm a big fan of good remixes, so i'm gonna start a new series called remixes today. my aim is to serve dope remixes of mostly indy records. so, if you produce your own beats or know a guy who does and you think me and the readers of crates of ag would like it, then email the track(s) to cratesofag at hispeed dot ch. once i have enough material i like, i will post it on my site. so, don't be shy and send me your stuff. this might also be a good chance for you to make some noise on the scene.
and to start the whole thing, i have the great oppurtunity to bless you with some amazing remixes by incise from toronto. this guy did an unbelievable job with prince ali in '07 with an ep called "i miss '94", which was and still is free for download. get it here! another free prince ali ep followed and incise even released an equally dope full length called "nobody's story" last year. be sure to check this out properly!
now, here's remix package #1 by incise:
t-max is my favorite joint here. whats yours? give the man some props, he deserves it! also i have to give my man toax a big shout out for lacing me with these tracks! thanks homeboy.
now, send me your stuff or start making your indy remixes!
on another note: the competition has ended. the lucky winner of a free i-power 12" is chris! with "Crates of AG– Nothing But AG Thang"! Congrats man and thanks to everyone, who took part of the contest!
okay, i'm a big fan of good remixes, so i'm gonna start a new series called remixes today. my aim is to serve dope remixes of mostly indy records. so, if you produce your own beats or know a guy who does and you think me and the readers of crates of ag would like it, then email the track(s) to cratesofag at hispeed dot ch. once i have enough material i like, i will post it on my site. so, don't be shy and send me your stuff. this might also be a good chance for you to make some noise on the scene.
and to start the whole thing, i have the great oppurtunity to bless you with some amazing remixes by incise from toronto. this guy did an unbelievable job with prince ali in '07 with an ep called "i miss '94", which was and still is free for download. get it here! another free prince ali ep followed and incise even released an equally dope full length called "nobody's story" last year. be sure to check this out properly!
now, here's remix package #1 by incise:


t-max is my favorite joint here. whats yours? give the man some props, he deserves it! also i have to give my man toax a big shout out for lacing me with these tracks! thanks homeboy.
now, send me your stuff or start making your indy remixes!
on another note: the competition has ended. the lucky winner of a free i-power 12" is chris! with "Crates of AG– Nothing But AG Thang"! Congrats man and thanks to everyone, who took part of the contest!