i have to admit, baltimore has called my attention during the last two years. there's a lot of dope records from the mid 90ies era. one of them is today's feature; the pen powz. this 12" is from '94 and is built on productions by the pen powz and baltimore's finest omar akbar aka labtekwon. the main group consists of three mc's, and gets additional vocals by labtek on "whatever". the vinyl was released on firm records. they remind me a bit of the dereliks.
yup, that's all i know. help me.
yup, that's all i know. help me.
thx for this
i cant help u, sorry
Nice records
Thanks for sharing
thank you for this rip.. dope 12"
dope, I have been waiting for this one.thank you AG.
"Droppin more kicks than Charlie Rudo" ha ha!! harmcity baby!!
Yo!! whats good AG..these are my boys...... never had this joint ..heard the rough version... WEAA 89.9 over at MORGAN STATE used to play this...
'Ad The Mad Man' - 'Chin Sear'- 'ASIA' and i thought my man WOMBATT
was down, i guess not?!!Oh yeah i posted that SPARROW joint "ARMAGEDDON" on the myspace'THE ORIGINAL SUPREME' page peace
yoyo A
HanDJob mix!!! ahahah
tu l'a payé cher hein!!
a Bientot a BrooklynBadenCity!
Peace A
yo supreme what's up! thanks for the additional info!
yo! what do you need to know? These are my peoples...this is Dj Booman from Amp Boogie and Lab and Chin are my fam! Holla at me for any info you need!!!
Ha...this PENZ-N-NEEDLEZ is dooooope !!
Thanks for make discover this..!
this is xtra dopey dope. thx for bringin this jewel to my ears. peasy.
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