right folks! handjob & alkuttraz teamed back together as tha deerhuntaz.
tha deerhuntaz – a crew formed a decade ago, consisted of alkuttraz (dj face off back then), hanDJob (dj dough aka r-ctic) and a few more members, who weren’t really into deejaying...but it was more of a party community anyway...nevertheless we shared the love for the same sort of music and somewhen in ‘98/’99 we released our first tape (it will NEVER get uploaded, so don’t even ask!!) which we sold at parties or to friends etc.... about 2 years later we did another tape (m.v.p.) which is still listenable to this day...somewhen in 2001 the dh’s sort of parted ways due to different jobs, education type stuff etc but we’ve always kept in touch...so finally here we go again...if we have time & motivation more mixes may follow!
not much more to say, just 64mins of indyness. means 30mins each, recorded pretty uncomplicated at our cribs.
alkuttraz zide:
1. ve bourne- m.i.l.k.
3. hillfiguzes- pain
4. headtag, looptroop, kashal-tee, studda- word exchange
5. othorized fam- (othorized?)
6. devious monk- storm of the devil
7. theology 3- closed caption
8. kaotic disciples- it's all kaotic v7.3
9. 90 prophets- remember me
hanDJob zide:
2. da minds of sol- holocaust part 2
4. ve bourne- north filthy
5. mr. lif- this won
6. the imperial one- too much stress
8. falcon & sleepy- all the powers in the mind
9. kingz of flam- increase da peace
10. lord finesse- down for the underground
14. launchpad 2000- dai in life

enjoy and fill the gaps!
akutt & handjob